A.D.D. and BORED =
FLANNEL, FAKE GLASSES AND A CAMERA OF COURSE!!  Why didn't I think of this sooner?  Yesterday morning I was desperately bored.  I could have painted, but I've hit a bit of a plateau and realized I needed some stimulation to instigate new ideas.  I was planning on hitting some galleries to do this, when I came up with the idea to pull out my inner indie/hipster and create my own stimulation.  So here goes, a day strolling the streets of PDX...

Self Portrait for the day.  I would like this a lot more if the camera strap wasn't dangling down my arm.  

Park shot.  Playing with the ISO balance allowed me to capture the tone of black I wanted to start with on the top and bottom of this picture.

Walking by, this woman asked if I had any spare change.  Randomly I actually had 55 cents and offered it to her if I could take her picture.  She was super cool and very willing.  I like this picture because I feel like at that moment, the only difference between her and myself, is that I was holding a camera.  Nothing else mattered, she was intriguing, happy to laugh, and she had everything she needed right there beside her.  There's a piece of me that envies her, and a larger piece wishing I would have stood with her a moment longer and asked for her name.  She deserves to be humanized.  And there I was, only jumping the societal bandwagon, quick to walk away.

This is my favorite.  Walking by this reflection I noticed someone had written the word 'Depression' on the glass.  At first I tried to get my own reflection and then noticed the tree and immediately realized that's what needed to be captured.  Whose to say that a tree can't feel depressed.  Its there forgetting its own control as we're sure to trap it by the cement we pour around it.  To be seen and walked by, rarely noticed.  Only appreciated on warm days for its shadow, never for its actuality.  I would be depressed too! 

1 Response
  1. Mrs. K Says:

    Very cool pictures. That was a productive use of your time.

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