_Circus Act
Photos taken and composited by yours truly when in the mood to put off important tasks. The feet of the jumper on the right still needs work!

Kooza was FREAKING UH MAY ZING!! Why have I not ran away and joined the circus?? Oh right, I have never tried to put a bike on a tight-wire 80 feet in the air before. Cirque Du Soleil, building an innovative niche in the entertainment market by integrating theater into their acts sucks you in whether you like it or not! A story line simple upon first glance, was brought to life by the most detailed twitches, stares, and smiles. Without meaning to, I had built my own story line lacing the characters together. It was no longer a man of magic introducing a boy into an opportunity driven land, but it was a man of magic introducing his world and perspective. Showing off his mistress, the punk trapeze artist, to whom he gave toying playful looks and intriguing crooked smirks. Later, respective and distant introducing the queen, royalty. Giving up his seat at the forefront of attention, while assisting her with hula hoops.

It was a ton of fun, and I couldn't help but to look into the possibilities of all the fun things I could be doing! Its shows like that, that charge you with all of the incredible excitement that should be taking place in your life. And it is shows like that, which will change perspectives, futures, and push the limits of creation.
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